What are mosquitoes for? 3 important roles

Mosquitoes are among the most dangerous insect species in the world. Eliminating mosquitoes around homes is also a health necessity in certain regions of the world. But are they useless? Madness, malaria, chikungunya… There are so many diseases of which mosquitoes are the vectors. It is easy to understand why these insects are among the worst enemies of human civilizations, given the slaughter associated with them. But with a little perspective, we quickly realize that mosquitoes have a role to play in the ecosystem , like all other natural creatures. They actually participate in the food chain between species, as well as in the pollination of plants. Scientists also use them as climate indicators . 1. An essential link in the food chain Adult mosquitoes, especially females, are an essential food source for many animal species. Their natural predators are insectivorous birds, suc...